IITM Turbomachinery App
Problem Statement:
- Education is one of the biggest key factors in a student’s life.
- In this modern era, professors have started giving more priority to making the student understand a subject in detail rather than focusing on completion of the subject.
- To do so, professors need to create study materials that are composed of good examples and detailed notes.
- Although the examples created by the professor are good, some students might not be able to fully grasp the lecture with only notes and may need more practical and visual examples.
Our Solution:
- For helping professors achieve the process of making all the students understand the subject fully, Vibromech has created an Education app that will replace the classroom boards with a Windows device or an Android Tablet device.
- The app contains strong visualizations for the subject that are based on real world examples and the app.
- The IITM Turbomachinery app has successfully demonstrated the power of 3D and visualizations will be the future of education and It will revolutionize education and make classroom boards redundant.

In a normal classroom setting, there is no sufficient time and resources for each and every teacher to give an individualized learning experience for students. In most cases, theoretical knowledge is barely enough for the teachers to transfer proper skills which has to be implemented in professional fields. So with the help of AR teachers can make their teaching more interactive. Teachers can even instruct the students on certain real world skills that cannot be acquired with normal classroom sessions. For instance, students can get hands on experience on how to operate machinery without ever leaving the classroom. Moreover Teachers can make the students learn in a more safe and secure environment.

IIT Turbo Machinary APP Case Study
Teachers are finding difficulties in engaging students. Augmented reality has the Capabilities of Augmented Reality technology may make classes more engaging and information more feasible. Educators know that the learning process should be all about creativity and curiosity. Going through hundreds of pages is not going to create any constructive creativity. Instead teachers could incorporate new and advanced technologies to make the learning process more interesting. This is where Augmented Reality comes into play.
The potential of combining smartphones and Augmented Reality for education is big, though it still has to be fully discovered. AR, in various ways, could make the class more fun and motivate the students to learn faster. Eventually through AR technology in Education increase students engagement and motivation. Thus, enabling the learning process more interesting and curious. Many museums and historical sites make use of the AR to their exhibitions so that they could appeal to a larger audience that depends more on technology for information.
Augmented Reality technology has many use cases with respect to Education:
- Paleontology :- With 4D+ app, Users can see dinosaurs in action, rotate them, zoom in and out. While a set of flash cards are used to scan 3D dinosaurs.
- Medical Education :- Medical students absorb the efficiency of AR technology to improve both their knowledge and skills by creating a human model so that they can learn anatomy in depth and they practice surgeries on virtual patients.
- Chemistry :- Elements 4D can make chemistry classes more fun and interactive. Users make small cubes using paper after which they scan the paper cubes using their device’s camera to see the representation of chemical elements, their names and their atomic weight. Then the users need to bring 2 cubes together to find out whether they react and to see the chemical reaction.
However, AR technology being at its infant stage is about to grow and bring a change in education rapidly.
A full proof and a well executed plan, with right technology Ar in education can deliver amazing results.